Entropia Universe

Entropia Universe is an advanced 3D online virtual environment with dynamic planetary systems. The universe is segmented into individual planets, each one offering a unique experience geared towards select target audiences. In Entropia Universe, the participants can choose to travel between the planets to constantly experience new entertainment content.
Each planet is developed by a developer team that selects which activities to offer the participants to emphasize their planet storyline and concept and content. Examples of current activities include hunting creatures, mining, crafting and trading items, participating in quests, enjoying music in new ways and exploring stunning environments while driving a vehicle. Common for all Entropia Universe planets is the entertainment factor, amazing graphics, highly interactive contents in one persistent world.
The Entropia Universe concept features its own real economic system with an in-game currency that can be purchased and redeemed back into real world funds. This system enables real entrepreneurial activities for all participants. Many different professions have been developed, for example, material designer, hair stylist, body sculptor, land manager and event promotor.
New exciting activities, professions and systems are constantly being developed.
To join Entropia Universe simply create your Entropia Universe Account, free-of-charge and without subscription fees at https://account.entropiauniverse.com. Once you have downloaded and installed the Entropia Universe Client Software (avaliable for Microsoft Windows) you can log in, create you Avatars unique look and start exploring the worlds within.